So, you read the book, heard the talk, watched the videos… Now what?

It’s time to start doing the STEPS yourself.

Here’s what you need:

  • Because we can’t effectively do the STEPS on our own, you’ll need to identify a partner or a group to start working the STEPS with. 

  • Establish a day and time (either online or in person) where you can meet with you group.

  • Start reading the book together.

  • Begin doing the STEPS. Sequentially. At your own pace. Likely slower than you would like to. Please don’t move onto the next STEP until you accomplish the current STEP. 

  • Wondering how you’ll know if you’re ready to move on? Pray, process with your group, and fall in love with reality and where you are on the journey. 

Here’s a meeting format for your group:

  • Open with either the Serenity Prayer or the prayer provided in the STEP you’re working.

  • Review the Direction Section in the book for the STEP you’re working. Note: Always feel free to review all of the STEPS for those in your group who might not be familiar with them.

  • Take turns sharing your story, struggles, and progress. Each member may be on different STEPS, and that’s okay.

  • Discuss some of the helpful quotes or Scriptures as they relate to the STEP you’re working. Review the provided questions if desired.

  • All along the way, encourage one another.

  • Pray for each other.

“How long will this whole process take?”

  • The STEPS are meant to be repeated and worked over a lifetime. 

  • While going through them, invite anyone and everyone to join you, no matter what STEP you’re working.

  • As you progress through STEPS, offer help to others who are earlier in their journey.

  • When you complete all 12 STEPS, keep coming back, keep inviting, keep coaching, and keep working the STEPS. We never “arrive” - we enjoy the process. Inevitably, we’ll need to work them again. 

How do I get support for my group if needed?

  • Have questions about leading your group? Need guidance along the way? Become New is here to help. Simply email us at and we would love to help you.

  • You can also join our Facebook Group and invite group discussion and feedback if appropriate.